The True Currency of Life is Time...

Are You In Control of Yours?

My Story

Tom Qiao in Chiang Mai

Hey, I'm Tom - the founder of Flexibility Is Freedom - pleased to meet 'cha! 😀

I used to work 9-5 (okay, more like 9-9) as an investment analyst for a major pension plan. As an undergraduate business student, it was literally a dream come true!

So why did I quit my career and become a passive income entrepreneur? 🤔

Well, I had many reasons (5, to be precise) but it boiled down to this: I realized that while my bank account was going up, my "time" account was slowly ticking away. 🕒

It dawned upon me the irony of trading the best years of my life for money, only to end up (attempting) to trade that money back for a taste of youth again (the "midlife" crisis).

That's why I became a passive income entrepreneur - to build brandable businesses and acquire long-term assets that generate passive to semi-passive income. 📈

Latest Income Reports

Week 1

What is this post? This is a weekly review that I will publish at the end of every week. I'll include notes on my progress, new ideas swimming in my head, and plans for the future. I'm experimenting with the frequency so this may turn into a biweekly or monthly review. Stay tuned! What I […]

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Blog Launch!

Hello World! This is my first post on Flexibility is Freedom. Here I share my experience building passive income businesses and designing my dream lifestyle. This blog serves two purposes: It provides readers a detailed case study of how to build a passive income business It helps me reflect on my goals and progress along […]

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