August 2018

September 1, 2018

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”

Albert Einstein

Thanks for joining me on my journey into passive income entrepreneurship!

It's month two, which quite frankly, went by like a blur.

I spent the first half of August with my family exploring Yellowstone National Park and Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming.

Yellowstone - Castle Geyser
The amazing Castle Geyser at Yellowstone National Park.

It was a unique and unforgettable experience that reminds me there is a grand and beautiful world out there, beyond the selfies and gift shops.

It reminds me why life is worth living and why I'm doing what I do. 😀

And it reminds me of how important family is to me.

Update on Monetization Strategy

When I began this journey (just two months ago), I based my monetization strategy on an ebook. But after listening to a podcast by AuthorityHacker, I realized my strategy had a serious flaw.

I was creating a product without first establishing an audience.

I was initially optimistic that I could build traffic and write the ebook simultaneously. But I've come to realize that it makes more sense to grow traffic and build an audience first.

Quite simply, you can't sell a product without any customers.

My current strategy looks more like this:

  1. Generate Traffic
  2. Add Amazon Affiliate Links
  3. Create and Sell Ebook

I'll explain how I plan to generate traffic in the next section.

By focusing on affiliate marketing in the early stages, I expect to earn at least some revenue which will encourage me to keep working on this website.

Then, after the content is done, I'll write and sell the ebook. By this stage, I should have more traffic, better brand awareness, and an audience.

I've also published my step-by-step plan to generate traffic.

To Flexibility and Freedom,


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